Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and donors, we have surpassed our goal for the 2024 CMA. If you are considering making a NEW pledge for this campaign, please contact Brenda Knecht at the parish office for some additional detailed information: 317.873.2885 x412 or [email protected].
FUNDS PLEDGED: $299,774.00
FUNDS RECEIVED: $277,813.00
Scroll down to make a donation.
The Catholic Ministries Appeal is an annual appeal that runs from January 1 to December 31.
Jesus is counting on each of us, as His Body, to live a life of gratitude to God and a life of love to our neighbor. This is the very heart of our faith as Catholics. For this reason, the theme of the 2024 annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is Our Grateful Witness. This year’s appeal will introduce you to the grateful witness of a parish priest, two Catholic school principals, the parents of young boys and girls, a college student, and three young adults. These are just a handful of the countless lives that are transformed, thanks to your gifts to the CMA. You can learn even more about these stories in the videos below.
Click Here to Learn More About the Catholic Ministries Appeal