Teens do not connect to programs; they connect to people! The most effective way to influence teens is through relationships. Our goal is to develop leaders who will walk the journey to Christ with teens.
Societal shifts have made the middle school years more difficult than ever. In addition, young people are also in the process of moving from being family-centered to friend-centered. Peers gain greater influence and parental authority is called into question. As they wade through all the difficulties of this time of life, they have real questions and need real answers.
If parish leaders, parents, and parishioners ignore the unique challenges of middle school youth, they risk losing them forever. According to the National Catholic Reporter, most Catholic youth stop identifying as Catholic at a median age of 13, long before they cease attending a parish; 80% of Catholic youth leave the Church by age 23!
That's why WE NEED YOU for our Middle School Mentor team!
Middle School Mentors are the heart and soul of the middle school youth ministry experience. With over 60 registered youth for our program, we require at least 10 - 12 men and women who will be paired together and charged with leading a small group. Without faithful and willing mentors, our mission cannot succeed!
Contact Kristi Powers, Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
317.873.2885 x311