Following the departure of Father Joshua to Guerin Catholic High School, Father O'Keeffe encouraged parishioners to write to Bishop Doherty expressing individual gratitude for the work which Father Joshua had done at our parish. If you had planned to write such a letter, but due to summer schedules or vacations the opportunity slipped away, please note that there is still time to follow through and fulfill the desire to share your gratitude.
Letters may be brief and include one or two specific examples. This could be sharing about work that Fr. Joshua had done with a ministry or a specific project. Perhaps it was spiritual direction, how he expressed passion for his vocation as a priest or maybe even during the preparation for marriage that you especially enjoyed working with Fr. Joshua, just to name a few.
Informing our Bishop acknowledges the good work that the priests of our diocese are accomplishing and that it is valuable to the parishioners and people they serve.
If you have never written to the Bishop please use Father O'Keeffe's note below for guidance on how to properly write salutations and address the letter/envelope. Feel free to contact the parish office at 317.873.2885 with any questions. Thank you so much for helping acknowledge Father Joshua! Posted July 8, 2011
Dear St. Alphonsus Liguori Parishioners,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude regarding the amazing support for Father Joshua that was displayed by our parish family during his final days as our associate pastor. Father Joshua has left an indelible impression at St. Alphonsus Liguori and I will certainly miss him. If you were not able to convey your appreciation, or if you feel called to do more, I invite you to consider sending a letter of affirmation to Bishop Timothy Doherty expressing your gratitude for Father Joshua's time here and noting a specific thing he had done which meant a lot to you and your family. These letters will not only show your thankfulness, but they will testify the level of excellence that Father Joshua achieves as a diocesan priest wherever he is called to serve. I can assure you such mail is warmly received and helps Bishop Doherty realize more of the great work done by the priests in our parishes.
I understand many parishioners have never written to our bishop, so I would like to propose the proper salutations. When writing to our Catholic bishop, a letter should always address him as "Your Excellency" or "Most Reverend." When you meet our bishop in person, refer to him as “Your Excellency”, "Bishop" or "Bishop Doherty – Bishop Higi." Avoid using "sir" as that is a secular salutation or "Your Lordship," which is an expression acceptable in Ghana or Ireland.
Thank you again and please continue your prayers for Father Joshua as he transitions into his new and exciting role at Guerin Catholic High School.
In Christ,
Father O'Keeffe
Mailing address for writing to our bishop:
Most Reverend Timothy Doherty
Bishop of Lafayette-in-Indiana
610 Lingle Avenue Lafayette, IN 47901