On Monday, January 22 the streets of Washington D.C. were packed with thousands of people from all over, all vocations, all faiths and all ages. They gathered as they have been for years, for one reason and that was the March for Life. This march is an annual event that takes place on the anniversary marking the infamous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 which made abortion legal in the nation.
As found on the Marchforlife.org, the rally began in 1974 with some estimated 20,000 pro-life advocates who did not want the first anniversary of Roe vs. Wade to pass by without memorializing the event and petitioning Congress to remedy the what had been done.
Now 39 years later, Marchforlife.org stated that near half a million people showed up at the nation's Capitol. Rain, snow or shine the march brings remarkable numbers of people to help stand up for life of the innocent babies that are threatened by abortion and for those have died because of it.
Youth and adult members from the Diocese of Lafayette were among the crowds, rosaries in hand and ready to offer up their time and prayers. Along with the diocese were members from our Knights of the Holy Temple ministry who travelled with young knights from other parishes.
Thank you to all those who attended the march and to everyone who prayed from home for this very important cause. Next year's March for Life will take place on January 25, 2013. It will be the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and the event will directly follow the next Presidential Inauguration.