When Dr. Al Losasso passed away, his extensive train collection was donated to the parish by his wife Anita on his behalf. Father O'Keefe designated the proceeds to the Knights due to the cancellation of last years fish frys.
The train collection is contracted for sale to Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff, purveyor of vintage toys. The collection will be part of three auctions - in March, April and May.
CLICK HERE to pre-bid now and/or join the live on-line auction on March 20.
Dr. Losasso's trains are lot numbers 176-190 and 223-254. This is just the tip of the iceberg! The remaining collection will be part of the April and May auctions and will include many Lionel engines and cars.
The Knights receive 70% of the sales proceeds which will be used to support Knight charities and parish needs and activities.