Each year the parish holds a Lenten Mission where we come together over the course of three evenings for special presentations by a guest speaker. The mission is one of several Lenten events aimed to help guide parishioners and guests through the penitential season of Lent with spiritually enriching programs to help deepen our faith and relationship with God. This year, the parish is excited to welcome our mission guest, the Very Reverend Dennis Corrado, c.o. Father Corrado will lead our Parish Lenten Mission titled, Forgiveness leads to Wellness and Joy. All are welcome to this free event and parishioners are encouraged to also invite friends and family.
The special presentations will take place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 19 - 21 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Church with a themed Food & Fellowship reception that will follow in Parish Hall. The themes for each day are:
Monday: What is Forgiveness and Why is it Difficult to Practice Food & Fellowship: A “Peace” of Pie Night
Tuesday:Living the Truth - The Only Environment for Forgiveness Food & Fellowship: Soups that ROCK!
Wednesday: Practical Ways to Increase the Joy which Follows Forgiveness Food & Fellowship: Celebrate the Joy! Appetizers
For the children:We will also continue in the tradition of having a Children’s Mission occur during the adult sessions with food and fellowship for our younger guests. Please feel free to bring your young ones for a chance to learn and have fun with their peers.
The Annual Parish Mission is free and open to everyone. A free-will offering will be taken on Wednesday. Special DVDs and CDs of this series will also be available to purchase at the event for $10 each. There will be a special “meet the speaker” breakfast following the 9 a.m. Mass on Monday, March 19. Individuals are welcome to come and have breakfast with Father Corrado.
About the speaker: Identified by the New York Daily News as one of New York’s new leaders for the 21st Century, Father Corrado is also the founder and provincial superior of the Oratorian Fathers and Brothers of St. Philip Neri in Brooklyn. Father Corrado has also been named one of the best preachers in New York City by New York Magazine. He has preached in a number of states and foreign countries and holds graduate degrees in theology, religious education, and communications. As President of the Breukelein Institute, Fr. Corrado has spent most of his working years in the administration of community based projects within the city of New York.
Ways to help and prepare for the mission:Pray before, during and after the events. Invite someone to attend the sessions with you so that you can share the experience with another. Individuals are welcome to also help by making food for one or more of the Food & Fellowship receptions, sing with the choir for the evening, serve by passing out information, assist with the DVD and CD table, serve as an evening usher, assist with setup or clean up, or offer a hand with the Monday morning breakfast. Those interested in volunteering for this special mission contact Kimberly Overmyer, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected] or call 873.2885.